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Meet The Coach

More About Atiya J.

I am a certified holistic life, career, and executive coach with experience in service, education, healing circles, and group facilitation. A willing listener, empath,& lightworker, I'm passionate in assisting others in self-exploration, realizing their latent potential, and taking action to fulfill their purpose.


Growing up, pivoting, transitioning, and change was not an option as my family often moved to new cities and me to new schools. Although destabilizing to some, this experience made me very comfortable, excited by, and able to accept change. I learned about acceptance of the changes that are both within and outside of my control by grounding myself in the only constant I knew---God.


I learned that a change in my situation does not change my purpose or the spiritual intention for my life. When I am in alignment with my purpose, "the contentment of my mind can never be disturbed." 


By means of coaching, I am able to professionally practice my own purpose by partnering with clients to find purpose in their moments of transition, challenging experiences, or desire for more out of life.


It is my intention to offer a non-judgemental, unbiased, comfortable safe space to all of my clients for their moment to pause, reflect, identify, and align with their higher self and highest aspirations. An opportunity for introspection can transmute any difficult, confusing, dark experience into a pivotal moment.

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