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Coach Courses

A Curriculum for Transformation & Fulfillment.

To better serve the needs of my clients, we have outlined various courses in a curriculum for self-mastery and purpose fulfillment. The key to success in life coaching is committing to the process. I have outlined 3, 6, 9, and 12 month "courses" with aligning approaches to your coaching experience that range from aiding you to achieve a short term goal to assistance in developing habits to fulfill your purpose and vision for your life.


Please book a free consultation call before subscribing to one of the courses so that we may confirm that my coaching curriculum is the right approach for you!

Hiking Path in Forest

Course Descriptions

Zen Stones

A Course of ACTION

A Course of Action is to aid you in accomplishing a short term personal, professional, or relationship goal while developing the skills to establish or transform your method of tackling future goals and laying the foundation for vision building.

Zen Stones


A Course of Discovery is to aid you in identifying new or forgotten skill, talent, passion, or gift and work to establish new habits of using it in order to accomplish goals and put in work towards your life's vision.

Zen Stones

A Course of CHANGE

A Course of Change is to aid you in the tough work of identifying the behaviors and habits that do and do not work for you and refining them, so that they may work towards your life's vision and purpose.

Zen Stones


A Course of Fulfillment is to aid you in self-mastery wherein you identify, know, and believe in the achievability of your purpose while establishing a real, tangible plan and habits of lifestyle in order to fulfill your identified life's goal, vision, and purpose.


Plot Your Course of Action.

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